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DBP ENZ - Mineral and vitamin premix enriched with probiotics and enzymes, fish and shrimp powder

DBP ENZ is a food premix composed of dairy bacteria, bacilli (probiotics), enzymes, zinc and vitamin C. The product helps in the restoration of the intestinal microbiota of fish and shrimp, keeping it balanced. The enzymatic action improves the nutritional value of the diets with the inclusion of cereals and oilseed meal, in addition to reducing the viscosity of the intestinal content of the animals. Product intended for fish and shrimp.

Basic Product Composition

Probiotic additive, enzyme additive, zinc sulfate, vitamin C and maltodextrin.

Way of use

Mix 400 g/tonne of food, through the oil cover. Provide continuously or as recommended by the responsible technician.

Warranty levels per kg of product

Bacillus subtilis 4,0x1011 UFC
Bacillus cereus var. toyoi 4,0x1011 UFC
Lactobacillus acidophilus 3,5x1011 UFC
Bifidobacterium bifidum 3,5x1011 UFC
Enterococcus faecium 3,5x1011 UFC
Endo 1,4 - B - xylanase 3,13x106 UV
Endo 1,3 (4) - B - glucanase 2,15x106 UV
Zinc 3.500 mg
Vitamin C 50 g


Plastic bags of 1, 5, 10 and 20 kg. Plastic buckets of 1, 5, 10 and 20 kg. 25 kg raffia bag.