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DBR Probiótico - Probiotic Food Additive

DBR PROBIÓTICO - POWDER FOR LIVESTOCK is an additive composed of lyophilized ruminal and intestinal bacteria that help maintain the balance of ruminal and intestinal microbiota, promoting better zootechnical indices for cattle.

Way of use

Mix 2 kg of the product in a ton of food or 500 g of it, in 25 kg of mineral supplement. Provide the mixture obtained (food or supplement), keeping it available to animals continuously and at will, during all stages of creation.

Warranty levels per kg of product

Ruminobacter amylophilum 3,0x10¹¹ UFC
Ruminobacter succinogenes 3,0x10¹¹ UFC
Succinovibrio dextrinosolvens 4,4x10¹¹ UFC
Bacillus cereus  3,5x10¹¹ UFC
Lactobacillus acidophilus 3,5x10¹¹ UFC
Enterococcus faecium 3,5x10¹¹ UFC


25 kg and 10 kg bags.